Once Fired Brass



This shell casing has many different types of sizes which come with polished and unpolished. The manufacturers are focused on using reclaimed glass, brick, wood, steel, etc. The bullets are once fired brass is recycled and again used for shell casing. All are hand-inspected and machine sorted. Before using or loading all the casings are inspected thoroughly.


There are some advantages to using the brass casing compared to steel or aluminium casing:

Reuse: The brass cases are refilled and repeatedly reused, where aluminium casings are single-use. Reusing brass casing helps to reduce the cost of ammo.

Lower failure rate: It is a soft metal and it will be favoured when used. Because of its soft metal, the spot of the issue is identified easily.

Damage: It does not scratch or damages the fireman because of its brass softness.


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